Observational sites in Prydz Bay and the AIS basal melting rate (IMAGE)
(A) Topographical features in Prydz Bay (m) from RTopo-2. The red box in the lower inset shows the location of Prydz Bay. Green squares show the locations of moorings. The Chinese Antarctic Expedition moorings are labeled by C1 and C2. The Amery Ice Shelf Ocean Research moorings are labeled by PBM1-PBM8. The Amery Ice Shelf Ocean Research borehole sites (white pluses) are labeled by AM01-06. The thick white line shows the Amery Ice shelf front. (B) The components of the AIS basal melting rate from the tidal contribution (magenta shading) and the residual contribution (cyan shading) at the borehole sites AM02-06. The proportions of averaged tidal contribution in the total AIS basal melting rate are labeled at each bar, and the values in the parentheses denote the tide-induced proportions calculated based on the station-averaged observational velocity from PBM1- PBM7.
Chengyan Liu
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