A slice through a cochlea after gene therapy (green) shows replaced norrin protein in pink / magenta....University College London
Images show part of the uncoiled mouse cochlea, after treatment with the gene therapy (green). In pink, the all importan...University College London
Images show part of the uncoiled mouse cochlea, after treatment with the gene therapy (green). In pink, the all importan...University College London
A view through the cochlea shows sensory hair cells that are important for hearing in pink after gene therapy...University College London
Methylcyclohexane dehydrogenation using solid oxide fuel cells for generating electricity...Waseda University
Photographs of snow algae that color the snow surface and the parasitic chytrid infecting snow algae...Yokohama National University
Pavel Hobza, IOCB PragueInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IOCB Prague)