News Release

Study reveals that an under-studied subset of whiskers, the supra-orbital whiskers, act as wind antennae in rats, enabling them to sense the direction of airflow and adjust their behavior accordingly

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Study reveals that an under-studied subset of whiskers, the supra-orbital whiskers, act as wind antennae in rats, enabling them to sense the direction of airflow and adjust their behavior accordingly

image: Animals rely on sensory processing of airflow (anemotaxis) to guide navigation and survival. Mugnaini and co-authors combine anatomical, electrophysiological, and behavioral analyses to reveal that an under-studied subset of whiskers, the supra-orbital whiskers, act as wind antennae in rats, thus enabling them to sense the direction of airflow and adjust their behavior accordingly. view more 

Credit: Ana Rita Mendes created this image using DALL-E and owns it. They are making it available under CC-BY 4.0 (CC-BY 4.0,


In your coverage, please use this URL to provide access to the freely available paper in PLOS Biology:

Article Title: Supra-orbital whiskers act as wind-sensing antennae in rats

Author Countries: United States, Argentina, Canada, Uruguay, Portugal, Germany, United Kingdom

Funding: see manuscript

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