News Release

1 in 5 rabbit owners in the UK report painful or debilitating ear disease in their pet, though it may be under-diagnosed and under-treated, with lop-eared and older rabbits being most at risk

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Ear health and quality of life in pet rabbits of differing ear conformations: A UK survey of owner-reported signalment risk factors and effects on rabbit welfare and behaviour

image: 1 in 5 rabbit owners in the UK report painful or debilitating ear disease in their pet. view more 

Credit: Aswathy N, Unsplash, CC0 (

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Article Title: Ear health and quality of life in pet rabbits of differing ear conformations: A UK survey of owner-reported signalment risk factors and effects on rabbit welfare and behaviour

Author Countries: UK

Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work. M.R.D.K included some of this questionnaire in part-fulfilment of her Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine at Royal Veterinary College. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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