News Release

Study shows that the shape of objects could be perceived via vision and touch

The inferolateral occipitotemporal cortex selectively encodes object shape even in people who become blind from a very early age, suggesting that the brain is organized as operators that execute a given function regardless of input senses

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Study shows that the shape of objects could be perceived via vision and touch

image: Study shows that the shape of objects could be perceived via vision and touch. view more 

Credit: Ron Lach, Pexels (CC0,

Study shows that the shape of objects could be perceived via vision and touch; the inferolateral occipitotemporal cortex selectively encodes object shape even in people who become blind from a very early age, suggesting that the brain is organized as operators that execute a given function regardless of input senses.


In your coverage, please use this URL to provide access to the freely available paper in PLOS Biology:

Article Title: Similar object shape representation encoded in the inferolateral occipitotemporal cortex of sighted and early blind people

Author Countries: Italy, Switzerland, Belgium

Funding: see manuscript

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