News Release

Lizards may miss out on mating opportunities and pick partners more hastily under warming temperatures

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Behavioural plasticity in activity and sexual interactions in a social lizard at high environmental temperatures

image: The species in its natural habitat. view more 

Credit: Nicola Rossi, CC-BY 4.0 (

Lizards may miss out on mating opportunities and pick partners more hastily under warming temperatures


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Article Title: Behavioural plasticity in activity and sexual interactions in a social lizard at high environmental temperatures

Author Countries: Argentina

Funding: N.R. - Student Research Grant 2019 - Animal Behavior Society M. C. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas "CONICET" (grant number: PIP 2011e2013); Fondo para la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica "Foncyt" (grant number: PICT-2011-1599 Res 140/12), G.C. - "CONICET" (grant number: PIP 2011e2013); "Foncyt" (grant number: PICT-BICENTENARIO Nro. 2010-2782).

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